Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mix Monday: Father's Day

In the summer that I was baptized,my father held me to his side...(Bruce Springsteen - Adam Raised a Cain)

Mix Monday: I'm going to list a mix of 5 songs (or so) that are either topical or that are on my current playlist. I will list these either weekly or bi-weekly.

The first mix is sort of a tribute to Father's Day coming up on June 21. My father was a great man and I hope I am half the father that he was. He has passed on but still lives in his childrens hearts.

This mix of songs about fathers are no reflection on my father but rather excellent songs about father and son (or maybe daughter) relationships .

Fathers Day - Fathers Day Mix on IMEEM

Bruce Springsteen has written some great songs about his relationship with his father. In his early concerts Bruce would often tell stories about their relationship as introductions to songs. The saddest song Bruce Springsteen ever wrote may be My Fathers House from the Nebraska album, a song about a father and son relationship. In this song a grown son awakes from a dream and goes to his childhood home expecting to have a reunion with his Dad.

My Fathers House - Bruce Springsteen

Adam Raised a Cain is also by Bruce Springsteen. The song starts in the son's youth at his baptism and then in his young adult life as he returns back to his hometown. In the final verse and one of Bruce's best ever vocals; the son concludes that we're born into this life paying for the sins of our fathers.

Adam Raised A Cain - Bruce Springsteen

Your Dad Did by John Hiatt is one funny and touching song. As we go through life we become our parents. This song captures it perfectly. The ending suppertime prayer is funny!!

Your Dad Did - John Hiatt

Unwed Fathers by John Prine sadly rings very true. Being from the region this song sings about makes it hit home all that much more. The story is about a young girl being pregnant and all alone because the father can't be bothered.

Unwed Fathers - John Prine

Papa Was a Rolling Stone by The Temptations could almost be a sequel to Unwed Fathers. The son is at the father's funeral and asking his mother if all the bad stories that he heard about his father were true.

Papa Was a Rolling Stone - The Temptations

Daddy's Tune by Jackson Browne is another song about our regrets we have as we get older and we realize those things our dad's told us were true. Somehow when we are young these things are not as clear.

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